Thursday, October 25, 2007


Tuesday it says on my calendar already half the month gone. How fast time flies. How do we count time? -- In minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years? Normally yes. But ideally is to count time in terms of the moments we felt, did, or had ..

Joy, Enthusiasm, Delight, Wonder and awe, Tenderness, Gentleness, Kindness, Trusting and believing, Unselfish giving, Reaching out to others, Magic and excitement, Love and loving, Selflessness, Concern and consideration, Achievement and victory, Winning and fair play, Failing and rising, and the number of times that lickin good ice cream dripped on your shirt! J

But of course what tops the list is living life not by simply cruising down its road oblivious of the guidance protection and provision of a loving God.but in remembering to say thank you to Him.

The list can be long. Theres a lot to be thankful for. Were so rich but we dont even know it nor see it nor understand it. Those things literally fill up our days from morning till night and yet we dont notice. Why? Whats keeping us from seeing it? Its right there before us and all we have to do is open up our eyes to see. But where do we set our gaze upon? In what direction or directions are we taking it? I think its on thistreasure hunting. Thats funny, what treasures more do we seek when we have everything right under our very noses?

But dont get me wrong, theres nothing incorrect in seeking the finer things in life which could make us happy, true a good education, good school, good job, good food, smart clothes, beautiful home, big car, travels, a successful business venture, a prestigious position or title. These things have their uses too. As much as they are important and sometimes necessary in the course of our earthly life, still these are not the real gems which matter most. These are merely temporal and material pleasures or perks. Easily they can disappear or be taken away from us today or tomorrow. Or maybe we wont even be here long enough to enjoy it either.

There are real treasures which undeniably enrich our life with genuine value and meaning family, relationships, growth and development, wisdom and maturity, values and character, hope and courage in the midst of trials, faith and trust in one supreme God, new strengths acquired from overcoming difficulties-failures, the gift of laughter, confidence and self-esteem, and the beauty of a grateful heart. These have great significance and are distinctly remembered by your family and friends and even strangers (who have crossed paths with you) now and perhaps long after you have gone.

Maybe we should be asking ourselves this question .....

What are the things we consider treasures in our life? Or What are the pearls in our life?

Blessed is he who knows his true treasures and sees them clearly where others dont or cant or think none exists.

(Hi, folks! :-) Here for a bit. How's everybody? Raining cats and dogs over here. Take care okay? God bless you.. and that means everybody.)

posted on Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:32 PM

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