Wednesday, October 24, 2007


After seeing my previous post, a good friend forwarded this particular insight to me– “All of life does work together irrespective of what we see.” It's good and that, too, speaks of life. As undoubtedly truth is seen in those lines, still some thoughts crept into my mind setting me in quiet unease and with questions, questions, questions. Looking back at those lines, several words tumbled out of my brain --- spectator, observer, resignation, unchallenged, uninvolved, content, passive, fatalistic, and laidback. Is that what those lines imply? --That issues in life will resolve itself without any help from us? That these ‘unpleasant’ events in our life will soon fade in memory or diminish and wane in time? Are we simply to regard it with complacent acceptance, shrug our shoulders with resignation and coast along with that on our backs? Are we simply to wait it out and abide with the unwritten time frame set by issues to resolve itself? Are we simply to sit on the fence and watch life, our life, go by before us? But of course in the irrevocable facts of life such as living and dying and other things clearly not in our control, clearly there are no arguments in that arena.

What gets my brain cells to working frenzy is when I sense a 'challenge' to the intrinsic right of a person to make choices, to decide, or exercise his own ‘free will’. Because Whatever we see around us, whatever thing confronts us good or bad --- will require from ourselves an amount of involvement or participation varying according to the insights, perceptions, values, or perspective we have acquired. These characteristics are much more put into play in the irregular or challenging events of our lives, such as broken homes and relationships, failed hopes and expectations, sudden illness and death, losing a job or promotion to another guy, or business on the brink of bankruptcy, and many more. Situations which cause much confusion and distress that to survive it one must fiercely draw new courage, strength, and resolve from someone or something fast. Or better yet seek it from within one’s self. We can't just sit back and wait for them to sort themselves out while we do nothing to steer it to some possible resolution, can we? We must have some amount of control to anything that happens or may happen to us in our life.

In the midst of a problem or problems, I would like to see a person wrestle with this question --- “Is there something I can do?” How can I restore hope, courage, strength, faith, confidence, self-respect into my life again? What can I do to help myself recover or heal from the blows of a bad experience and move on with life once more? There may be no quick answers to that and maybe it may take someone a whole lifetime to work that out . . . but I would put my last dollar on trying rather than on doing nothing at all. I would like to see that person consider these words-- focus, challenge, creativity, potential for change, sense of control, decisive, pro-active, involved, risk-taking. If ‘life does work together irrespective of what we see’, then shouldn’t we want or should be part of that?? To be in its midst throwing in our own punches, too? After all the life which we speak of is our life. It would not matter much if we fail or succeed in it (cause sometimes we don't get to know that till the very end), but it would matter to us that we were in there ‘fighting’. And if that be so, then we can be sure that all of life will have to work together and not just the teeny-weeny part we see of it. Because absolutely we would be giving it our all- our best shot - to working those incongruent areas of our life -have it all come together and work itself out according to us--- our terms, our choices, our decisions. One life is all we’ve got, so then why not make it good. It’s worth trying.

(I'll be off for a few days, guys. I'll reply to your messages soonest I get back. Everybody take care pls. God bless you all.)

(09-18-06) Hi, guys! I'm back and I should be doing replies to all your messages left in here but my doctor sez 'No!' :-) I'm grounded with bedrest until my pneumonia is licked!! hahahah. So am doing this on the sly to send this off to you. Hope friends see this tho. If at least one does, may I request you, kind sir or madam, to please tell the rest that I shall get to their messages soon no matter how long it takes me to. lolz! Bye for a bit. Take care everyone. Gonna miss you all! God bless everybody.

posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 10:20 AM

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